You may also be interested in the MP3s at MRM’s bookstore.
The MRM Roundtable
Ephraim Church of the Bible Manti Pageant Outreach
- LDS Forgiveness: Now, Later, or Ever?, by Bill McKeever
- Examining Proof Texts, by Bill McKeever
- God is Not a Man, by Keith Walker
- Impossible Gospel, by Keith Walker
- Things to Say to Freak Out Mormons (Like “I Love and Care About You”), by Becky Walker
- Talking to the LDS Woman, by Becky Walker
- Sharing the Faith With Mormons, by Timothy Oliver
- Testimonies from Ex-Mormon Christians at Ephraim Church of The Bible
Issues Etc.
- Mormon/Christian Dialogue: Part 1 (starts about half-way through), Part 2 (September 27, 2007)
- Responding to a Mormon Caller (February 1, 2007)
- Mormon Scriptures & DNA Tests (February 22, 2006)
- Celebrations in Honor of Joseph Smith’s Birth (March 6, 2006)
- The Battle for Mormon History: Part 1, Part 2 (April 12, 2005)
- Mormonism & DNA (May 3, 2004; see second half)
BYU Speeches
- Our Relationship with the Lord, by Bruce R. McConkie (text available here)
- The Seven Deadly Heresies, by Bruce R. McConkie (text available here)
Sunstone Presentations / Interviews
- The New Missionary Discussions and the Future of Correlation, by John-Charles Duffy (related article available here)
- The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation, An Interview with Armand Mauss – “Ever wonder why the LDS church started out so revolutionary/controversial, then made huge strides towards becoming more mainstream and even progressive, and then retrenched itself a bit into increased orthodoxy or convervatism?”
- Mormonism’s ‘Anti-Masonic Bible’ – “Dan Vogel and Daniel Peterson discuss U.S and New England Masonic influences during the late 1820s, and explore Masonic and Anti-Masonic themes within the Book of Mormon.”
- The Reed Smoot Hearings and the Shaping of 20th Century Mormonism – The senate interrogation of LDS Church leaders, including President Joseph F. Smith
- The Development of the Mormon Jehovah Doctrine 1830-1916, by Boyd Kirkland and Brent Lee Metcalfe at the 1983 Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium
- Identifying Elohim and Jehovah from the Bible, by Boyd Kirkland and Melodie Moench Charles at the 1984 Salt Lake Sunstone Symposium
- Does God forgive sins you continue to repeat? (Tim Keller)