Have Bill McKeever and/or Eric Johnson present at your church!

How well prepared are your members able to engage with a knowledgeable Latter-day Saint? Are they possibly agreeable that “Mormons are Christians too”? If so, you may want to consider having MRM’s Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson present one of their many presentations that will:
- help your people better understand the religion of Mormonism as well as the Mormon people
- equip Christians with a game plan on how they can share the Christian faith
- encourage them that sharing Christianity with LDS friends, neighbors, and family members is quite possible
Bill McKeever (see testimony) and Eric Johnson (see bio) can come to your church, either together or separately, depending on your need.
And we do it all in love (Eph. 4:15) as well as “gentleness and respect” (1 Peter 3:16) like we are taught to do as Christians.
There are several things to consider:
- A date you would like to have MRM come
- Time frame
- Which seminars you think would be most valuable to your people (we can make suggestions as well).
Contact Eric ([email protected]) to check on a date you may be interested in.
Options for having us come
We are flexible and willing to work with you as far as when you want to have us speak. Here are some of the more common times we are asked to speak
1. A weekday night for 2 hours, giving us the chance to share two 50-minute presentations with a 10-minute break in between and 10 minutes for Q&A.
2. Two consecutive weekday nights, 2 hours each, allowing for four different presentations.
3. (If in the Salt Lake Valley area). Two presentations on the same night on two consecutive weeks (same day), allowing for four different presentations.
4. Sunday. We can take the pulpit in the morning (see “Sermons” below). Then, we recommend a potluck or order of pizza. After lunch, we can present anywhere from 2-4 hours on Mormonism (choosing the presentations below).
5. Crash Course Weekend
For those who like to have us come in for a weekend, especially for locations more than 4 hours away from Salt Lake City.
Friday night (7-8:30 p.m.) Presentation 1 (We recommend “What is Mormon Doctrine?” as an introductory session.)
Saturday morning (9:00 a.m. – 1 p.m.) Presentations 2-5 (you choose the individual presentations from below)
Saturday early evening (optional): When we have come from a long distance, we’re happy to speak again in the evening. (Your choice.)
Sunday morning (optional): Taking your pulpit and preach on either an apologetics message (see “Sermons” below) or you can choose one of our presentations below.
You choose! Contact us and we can explore the possibilities.
Individual Presentations
Below are the different presentations we have to offer you. We would love to have you choose, or, if you want, we can choose for you. Our goal is to reach as many of your members where they are and help them better understand the LDS religion as well as share their faith.
*** Indicates one of the 8 favorite presentations preferred by many churches
(Note: If your church plans to have us present multiple presentations, it is recommended that you choose only one of the following introductory presentations as these tend ot overlap)
Basic Level
- Understanding the ABCs of Mormonism: An Introduction (Eric)
Shorter, for those congregations who may not know much about the religion of the Latter-day Saints. This presentation is perfect in providing some of the basics and gives a starting point.
- A Look at Utah’s “Majority Religion”—The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Bill)
A quick overview of Mormonism, including the church’s unique Scripture, view of God, view of salvation, and view of the hereafter.
Intermediate level
- Is Mormonism Christianity? (Eric) ***
LDS Apostle Robert D. Hales gave a talk at the 2012 general conference titled “Being a More Christian Christian.” Let’s take a closer look at the issue of whether or not Mormonism ought to be considered “Christian” and consider the definitions of common terms Mormons and Christian share while having much different meanings.
- Understanding “Mormonese”: Defining our Terms (Bill)
Understanding the differences between what is taught in Mormonism versus what is taught in biblical Christianity. Just because the same terms are used (i.e., “salvation”, “grace,” etc.) does not make Mormonism a Christian religion.
Doctrinal issues
- The Temples of Mormonism (Bill or Eric) ***
A temple may be going into your city or perhaps one is very near-by. What takes place inside these special buildings? We’ll take a quick tour and explain just what is happening in the Mormon temple.
- Examining Mormon Proof texts (Bill or Eric) ***
There are common verses in the Bible pointed to by Latter-day Saints to support their church’s unique teachings. These presentations takes a look at several and explain why verses ought not to be taken out of their context.
- A Basic Introduction to the Gospel Topics Essays (Bill)
The Gospel Topics essays were published by the LDS Church between 2013 – 2015 and created a tidal wave in Mormonism. Just what are these essays all about? And how can a Christian use these in sharing their faith with Mormons?
- Joseph Smith: The Man Behind the Mormon Movement (Bill)
Joseph Smith, Jr. is responsible for the creation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He claims he saw God the Father and Jesus (First Vision) as well as the ancient American-turned-angel, Moroni. Just who was this man? And what is it about him that Latter-day Saints say he is greater than anyone, besides Jesus?
- Joseph Smith’s Polygamy Legacy (Bill)
The LDS Church says Joseph Smith was married to anywhere from 30-40 women. Just how did all of this start? And what was his rationale? We will take a closer look at this teaching and some of the women (including teenagers and other men’s wives) whom he married.
- The Doctrine of Eternal Progression (Bill)
As man is, God once was. As God is, man may be. Just what does the “Lorenzo Snow” couplet entail. From premortality to the kingdoms of glory, this teaching describes what is called the “Plan of Salvation.” We will also answer the question, “Are Mormons really taught (and thus believe) this doctrine?”
- Why the Priesthood Ban? (Bill)
For many years, those with black skin were not allowed to hold the LDS priesthood. Then, in 1978, this ban was lifted. What did the ban entail? And why was this doctrine changed? We will take a historical look at this teaching and see how it was justified in light of biblical teaching.
- Perspiration vs. Expiration: The Garden (of Gethsemane) vs. the Cross (Bill)
Where did the atonement take place? LDS leaders have always emphasized the Garden of Gethsemane over the cross. We will consider what was required for the forgiveness of sins in the Old Testament and see how this was fulfilled in the New Testament.
- Forgiveness According to Mormonism: Now? Later? Ever? (Bill)
Can the Mormon ever know that forgiveness of sins has been granted? We’ll take a look at just what a Mormon has to do in order to gain eternal life in what is called “celestial glory.”
- What is Mormon Doctrine? (Bill)
What type of official LDS resources a Christian can cite when talking to Latter-day Saints that they will respect as authoritative? This presentation will provide you with a strategy of utilizing official Mormon resources. This is a great introduction to a weekend presentation on Mormonism. 75 minutes
- Joseph Smith’s First Vision and the Book of Mormon—The Historical Approach (Bill) ***
Based on a chapter written by Bill McKeever in Sharing the Good News with Mormons, a look at the importance of the two most important events in the history of Mormonism: the First Vision and the Book of Mormon.
- The Book of Mormon: The Most Correct Book? (Bill) ***
The Book of Mormon is the most important of the four LDS Standard Works. The background of the “translation”–including the weight of the plates–will be described as well as the storyline behind this supposedly ancient book. (Not to be combined with the previous presentation.)
- Where are the Book of Mormon Lands? (Bill)
The Book of Mormon supposedly took place in the Americas beginning 2700 years ago. Millions of people lived as Lamanites and Nephites. Yet Mormons tenaciously disagree as to where these lands are. We’ll take a closer look at the different theories about the geographical location and who believes what, from Glenn Beck and Rodney Meldrum to the scholars at church-owned Brigham Young University.
- Sola Scriptura Mormonism (Bill)
Mormons say they believe the Bible, yet it is clear from their leaders that neither the Bible nor any other written source is the final say when it comes to LDS doctrine.
- Mormon Missionaries at Our Door…How Should We Respond? (Bill or Eric) ***
Missionaries have resumed doing their evangelistic activities. A pair might even knock on your members’ doors. Are they ready? This presentation provides some tips on what to consider and questions you may want to consider asking.
- The Miracle of Forgiveness (Eric) ***
A book written by an LDS general authority has sold several million copies over the past five decades. In fact, a copy of the book sits in the display case featuring President Spencer W. Kimball at the church’s history museum. Let’s take a closer look at this book and see how this book can be used in evangelistic conversations today.
- Is the Restored Gospel Good News? (Bill or Eric)
Mormons are told to believe what their unique LDS Standard Works say. If so, then showing a Latter-day Saint these verses provides a “method to the madness” and provides for an excellent witnessing possibility.
Introducing Christianity to Mormons (Eric Johnson)
NEW! A book written by Eric Johnson came out in 2022 with Harvest House Publishers. Titled Introducing Christianity to Mormons, this resource provides information to help believers learn how to better share the Christian faith with Latter-day Saints. You can see the first part of the book’s introduction here.
Dead Sea Scrolls: The Holy Grail of the Old TestamentIn this presentation, I will take a closer look at the Dead Sea Scrolls along with the scribal rules used to transmit the Old Testament.
The Trustworthiness of the New TestamentIs the New Testament trustworthy? After all, isn’t the “Telephone Game” evidence that it cannot be ascertained if we have the words of the original authors? Let’s examine the evidence and see how the New Testament stands.
The Translation of the English BibleThere is a history to the translation of the English Bible, from Wycliffe to versions we read today. Just how did this all come about.
- Understanding Mormonism’s View of God
Who is God according to Mormonism? And how does this disagree with the God of Christianity? This presentation take a look at this as well as the Trinity (chapter 4 and 7 of the new book) while contrasting the many differences of who God is between Christianity and Mormonism.
- Jesus: What Makes this Man so Special?
The name of Jesus is above all names. Yet Mormonism and Christianity have two different ideas of just who Jesus is. Let’s take a closer look at this important doctrine as we loosely cover chapter 5 in the new book, utilizing the Bible for our source to gain a better understanding of just who Jesus is.
- The Resurrection of Jesus: A Cornerstone Historical Doctrine of Christianity
What happened to the body of Jesus? Is it possible that Jesus swooned and wasn’t killed? What about theories such as the unknown tomb, the legend, and Jesus Tomb theories. The focus of this presentation is on the historical resurrection, showing that the other theories completely fail to present a cogent case for what took place in Jerusalem about 2,000 years ago. The material comes from chapter 6. (Mormonism is not referenced in this presentation.)
- Transitioning from Mormonism to Christianity
Is it possible for a former Mormon to transition to biblical Christianity? Although the vast majority of Mormons choose atheism, agnosticism, or nothing at all, it is not possible to toss faith in God and Jesus just because Mormonism isn’t true. For those who are former Mormons and those Christians who want to help show these folks what Christian beliefs and practice is all about, this presentation (featuring the real-life story of octogenarian’s Hal and Jenny who left Mormonism after a lifetime of faithfulness) is the right one to share with your congregation. This contains material from chapter 10.
Jehovah’s Witnesses
- Jehovah’s Witnesses: The Watchtower Bible and Tracer Society (Eric)
We don’t pretend to be the experts on Jehovah’s Witnesses, but we can give an accurate overview in 75 minutes about this organization and its members who like to knock on our doors.
- Called to Discern (Bill)
In a world of competing worldviews and massive amounts of information, it is imperative that Christians be a discerning people. This sermon is a basic apologetics introduction to the importance of Philippians 1:3-11.
- Another Jesus, A Different Spirit, A Different Gospel (Bill)
Using 2 Cor. 11:3-4 as our text, this presentation explains how Mormonism is different from the biblical understanding. (NOTE: This is an introductory presentation of Mormonism.)
- Christian Discourse in a Hostile Environment (Bill)
- A Bear’s Perspective on Salvation (Eric)
Without mentioning the word “Mormonism,” the children’s story of Corduroy is used to help the audience better understand just what the word “salvation” means. We will simplify such words as “justification” (including grace, mercy, and imputation), “sanctification” and “glorification” to present the simple Gospel message. This presentation (and sermon) has been given in churches and schools in more than 11 states and to thousands of people. It’s a favorite presentation because it provides a basic yet profound message.
- Counting Counterfeit Currency (Eric)
An introductory apologetics sermon that provides 7 tests to see if a teacher is really from God. Does not mention the word “Mormonism. A good overview of the basics of the Christian faith and why it is important to only accept genuine currency (the real deal) in contrast to the fake.
- The Greatest Miracle of All (Eric)
Especially appropriate for the month before Easter, we put on our detective hats and take a closer look at some of the theories about what happened to Jesus after He was crucified on the cross. This sermon does not mention Mormonism.
- The Knowledge of the Holy (Eric)
Looking at the story of Elijah and the priests of Ba’al on Mt. Carmel, we’ll consider the God revealed in this famous battle. This sermon does not mention Mormonism.
Pastoral Recommendations
For recommendations from a variety of pastors, see comments from pastors We also invite you to watch a video that explains the purpose of MRM.
Published Resources
Here are resources written by Bill and Eric that will be available at our speaking event:
Mormonism 101 (Baker Books, 2015)
Overview of the differences between the beliefs of Mormonism and Christianity. A great primer to help understand the uniqueness of the LDS religion. This book was originally published in 2000. Coauthored by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson
Answering Mormons’ Questions (Kregel, 2013)
Mormons ask Christians many questions, but they are usually the same. This book tackles 38 of the most common questions asked by our LDS friends. Originally published in 1981 by Bill McKeever and published by Bethany House Publishers in 1994. Coauthored by Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson
Mormonism 101 for Teens (MRM, 2019)
A simpler version of the Mormonism 101 book and aimed at youth who are curious about what their LDS friends believe. Highly recommended for high school students. Originally published in 2016.
Sharing the Good News with Mormons (Harvest House, 2018)
How do can effectively share our faith with Latter-day Saints? This resource gives 24 different tactics, with contributions from 26 total authors, including Bill McKeever, Sandra Tanner, J. Warner Wallace, and Lynn Wilder. Coedited by Eric Johnson and Sean McDowell.
In Their Own Words (MRM, 2012)
A encyclopedic list of citations from a variety of LDS leaders and manuals. A great resource for those doing their own research. Compiled by Bill McKeever.
Introducing Christianity to Mormons (available September 13, Harvest House, 2022)
Have you ever wanted to share your Christian faith with Latter-day Saints but had a difficult time communication what Christians believe versus what Mormonism teaches? This is a new resource that describes the strength of Christianity’s case when a Latter-day is open to understanding the basics of just what Evangelical Christians believe.
Listen to Bill and Eric on five different radio stations located in four different states or on podcast, 5 days a week. Viewpoint on Mormonism has aired since July 2011 and more than 2,500 past broadcasts can be located here.
Want to schedule an event?
Contact Eric Johnson ([email protected]) to determine what will be best for you and your church!
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