In early February, we took a survey to determine what types of classes people would be most interested in to be held at the Utah Christian Research Center in Draper, UT. This article includes the results from the 34 people who responsed to the survey.
Question #1: On a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being lowest and 5 being highest, what would be your desire in attending classes at UCRC?
5: 44% 4: 33% 3: 21%
Question #2: What would most interest you in future classes? (you can answer more than once)
Mormon theology: 77% Mormon History: 71% Evangelism: 71% Christian Theology: 65%
Christian History: 65% Christianity in Utah: 50% Introduction to the Faith: 35%
Question #3: If you marked “Mormon theology,” mark as many possibilities as would interest you (answered by 80%)
Teachings of the leaders: 78% Mormonism’s understanding of salvation: 74% Scripture: 74%
LDS views of God: 70% Plan of Salvation: 70% Priesthood authority: 67%
Queston #4: If you marked “Mormon history,” mark as many possibilities as would interest you (answered by 80%)
Book of Mormon: 82% Mormon leaders: 78% Book of Abraham: 74 First Vision: 70%
Polygamy: 48% Blacks: 48%
Question #5: If you marked Christian theology, mark as many as would interest you (answered by 76%)
Systematic theology: 84% Trinity: 81% Salvation: 58% Study on the Gospels: 58%
Jesus: 54% Book of the Bible study: 46%
Question #6: If you marked Christian history, mark as many as would interest you (answered by 76%)
Biblical archaeology: 81% Formation of the English Bible: 66% Dead Sea Scrolls: 58%
Reformation: 84% Influential historical Christians 50%
Question #7: Which of the following is most true?
I’d prefer single session classes (one and done): 47%
I’d prefer a series of classes (say, over a period of 8 to 10 weeks): 12%
I’d come either way: $41%
Questiion #8: Which day best fits your schedule? (mark as many as would work)
Saturday mornings: 63% Tuesday nights: 41% Wednesday mornings: 34%
Thursday nights: 31% Wednesday afternoons: 28% Thursday afternoons: 25% Monday pm: 22%
Question #9: Based on your answer, choose the one you feel would be the very best (just one)
Saturday mornings: 40% Wednesday mornings: 18% Thursday nights: 18%
Thursday afternoons: 18% Tuesday nights: 9%
Question 10: Based on a scale of 1 to 10, how likely would you come if the right class happened at the right time for you?
Highly likely: 50% Likely: 35% Maybe: 15%
This was a very beneficial survey and we learned a lot. After the Saturday morning classes for February and March 2024 are complete, we plan to offer a variety of classes. We will experiment with some offerings and timing, but this gives us an idea of what might work better than others.
For more information, including the schedule for classes, visit UtahChristianResearchCenter.com
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