General Conference. An assembly of LDS membership held in Salt Lake City, Utah each April and October. These meetings are for official instruction, announcements and teaching given by General Authorities and other LDS leaders. What is said at conference is considered to be authoratative. Thirteenth Prsident Ezra Taft Bension told a general confernece audienc, “For the next six months, your conference edition of the Ensign should stand next to your standard works and be referred to frequently” (“Come Unto Christ and Be Perfected in Him,” Ensign (Conference Edition), May 1988, p. 84. See also Church News, October 23, 2004, p. 4). Sixteenth President Thomas S. Monson closed the 2012 fall General Conference by saying, “I encourage you to read the talks once again and to ponder the messages contained therein. I have found in my own life that I gain even more from these inspired sermons when I study them in greater depth” (“God Be With You Til We Meet Again,” Ensign, November 2012 (Conference Edition), p. 110).
For more information, see “Determining the Topics for Conference Talks.”
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